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Enhancer Software Release 2.2 (OS4)


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Enhancer Software CD Icon The Enhancer Software Plus Edition Release 2.2 is an advanced distribution of utilities, drivers, commodities, classes, applications and tools to enhance and complement your OS4 system.

As well as a lot of new content, there have been updates to existing titles such as AmiDVD, Clock, PartitionWizard, TuneNet and MultiViewer.
What has changed since last release?
* Warp3D Nova V54 now replaces it's predecessor, V1.85. This major upgrade represents an extra years worth of development offering major new functionality, speed improvements and fixes. It is an essential requirement for many new 3D game ports with full shader support (such as Doom3). Support also added for the soon to be released NovaBridge (optional purchase).
* OpenGL ES Library has updated to Version 3.3 with many parts being rewritten and optimised. which is also mandatory for new 3D applications such as SCUMMVM, SDL2 and GL4ES.
* RadeonRX 2D video driver now updated with the major feature of GART support providing extra 3D performance. Many additional optimisations.
* Video Acceleration Library further upgraded
* AmiDVD has been fixed for current Kernel
* ListViewer Gadget now has Tree view support and many fixes and optimisations
* Archiver now uses our new ListViewer Tree nodes and animated tab feature
* MultiEdit and MultiViewer now support draggable project tabs provided by the new Tabbed Gadget
* Datatypes V54 system has been upgraded
* Other Utilities have also had updates:
Calendar, Clock, InfoWindow, TuneNet, X-Dock
* Commodities updates for InfoWB & Exchanger
* Preferences have had updates: Datatypes Prefs, Notifications Prefs, Power Prefs, Sound Prefs, Time Prefs.
* Commands have had several internal updates:
AddDatatypes, Assign, Copy, Dir, List, MakeDir, Version
* Translations updated: Polish, Danish, Italian, Spanish
The software project has been developed over six years of hard work by the AmigaDeveloper.com Team. A percentage of revenue from every copy sold of the Enhancer Software is being used to invest in further development from the AmigaDeveloper.com Team.

Featured Software


· AmiDVD
· Calendar
· Clock
· InfoWindow
· MultiEdit (a new multi-tabbed text editor)
· MultiViewer 2
· PartitionWizard
· TuneNet
· X-Dock (a new docking toolbar system)
Classes and Gadgets:

· Clock Gadget Class
· DateSheet Gadget Class
· InfoWindow Class
· OptionButton Gadget Class
· PieChart Gadget Class
· ProgressBar Gadget Class
· Select Gadget Class
· Shared Image Class
· Sliderbar Gadget Class
· Tick Box Gadget Class
· Time Gadget Class
C Commands:
· Request Chooser


· ClipViewer
· Exchanger
· Info Datatype
· MOD Datatype
· MPEGA Datatype
· SimpleHTML Datatype
· Sound Datatype
· WAV Datatype
· RadeonHD v3.7
· SmartFileSystem
· Diskcache Library
· Warp3DN Library
· Warp3DN_SI Library
· CANDIPrefs
· Notifications
· Sound Prefs
· Time Prefs
· Format
· Ringhio Notifications

· ClipViewer
· InfoWindow Class
· OptionButton Gadget Class
· PieChart Gadget Class
· Progressbar Gadget Class
· Shared Image Class
· Warp3DNova
Minimum System Requirements
· OS 4.1 Update 6
· 512MB RAM
· RadeonHD compatible card
· CD drive

Recommended System Requirements

· OS 4.1 Final Edition
· RadeonHD Southern Islands graphics card

Note: in order to use Warp3D Nova, a RadeonHD card with Southern Islands chipset is required.

Enhancer Software drawers and icons
Enhancer Software ClipViewer
Enhancer Software Exchanger
Enhancer Software Format Command
Enhancer Software TuneNet
Enhancer Software Ringhio Notifications
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