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Workbench 2.1 on 4GB Compact Flash CF

Workbench 2.1 on 4GB Compact Flash CF


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Workbench 2.1 on 4GB Compact Flash CF Hard Disk Drive for Amiga 600

This is a fully prepped/formatted self booting CF Hard Disk Drive pre-installed with Workbench 2.1 and the other AmigaOS 2.1 files.

Includes all the AmigaOS 2.1 disk data preinstalled (floppy media available separately):

Workbench 2.1
Extras 2.1
Locale 2.1
Install 2.1

You will require an optional 44-way IDE Compact Flash Adapter and cable if you have an Amiga 600 (add below)

The licenced files from Cloanto are pre-installed. No floppy disks are supplied with this media (sold separately). You will need Kickstart Kickstart 2.05 (37.300 or 37.350, sold separately) to use this version of AmigaOS.

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Upon ordering this product is carefully assembled and tested by our in-house Technician to our high quality standards. Some products may need configuring or flashing with the latest firmware. Click here to learn more..